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How Banner Ad Placement Affects Your Campaign

How Banner Ad Placement Affects Your Campaign

Banner advertising can be an inexpensive means of site promotion or it can cost lot and be ineffective. It How well it works depends upon how well you choose the site to display the banner advertisement and where your banner ad is placed upon the page.

Banner advertisement requires careful attention to details. Knowing what advertisements produce the best results, knowing what audience your product or site will appeal to, and finally knowing where to buy ad space and what position on the page is best for your purposes.

Most websites have a theme and appeal to a certain type of audience. These niche sites bring in a particular type of surfer and somewhere in there is the type that contains the audience you would like to reach. A good way to reach them is to target them on that site with a banner ad campaign.

  • Research the available sites in your targeted niche. You do not want to choose a direct competitor but are searching for a related site to your niche. If you sell or feature infant's cribs an infant clothing site might be ideal. You do not sell clothing and they do not sell cribs. You may have to research several sites as very busy high traffic sites may well price a banner spot out of your budget. Find one you can afford with the audience that fits in your niche.
  • Some sites may even consider a banner exchange. You put their banner up on your site, they put yours on theirs and it is mutually beneficial with both of you receiving targeted traffic. In addition, a banner exchange with another site will not drain your advertising budget.
  • Before deciding on paying for a banner spot on a site, assure yourself that the traffic the site receives is adequate to the price of the banner spot you are paying for. Very high traffic sites will often charge a lot for a banner spot make sure the site does receive good traffic.
  • Find out where your banner will be placed on the site. Banner placement at the bottom of the page is not a good deal because the response rates are very low. A much better placement for a banner advertisement is usually in the upper 1/3 of the screen so that it can be seen before anything else. It however will also be the most expensive and largest banner spot. Make sure your budget can handle it.
  • Placing banners on the right-hand side of the screen near the scroll bar are showing signs of actually being as effective as or more effective than those placed at the top of the page are. In addition, these are usually vertical banner spots and less expensive.

Banner placement can be crucial to the success of a banner marketing campaign and placement refers to the site the banner ads are displayed upon as well as their position on the page. A site with multitudes of banner ads not all competing for attention may bring in as much traffic as a slightly lower traffic site with fewer ads. It really is a personal choice based on your niche and the sites you are considering.

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williamjacobs from says:
Tuesday August 20, 2013 05:25 AM
1st paragraph:
"It How well it works depends upon how well you choose the site to display the banner advertisement and where your banner ad is placed upon the page."

Dump the first "It"

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